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The Primitivo di Manduria wine has to be obtained from the only Primitive vine, which has to be cultivated on soils with a calcareous substrate of rock tufaceous split and planting installation, forms of bre
eding and traditional systems of pruning have to be oriented to obtain a maximum of 90 quintals of grapes per hectare. This level can be reached only from the typical bush-cultivation of vines. Attanasio, with its production of only 15000 bottles per year, treats every phase of the productive chain, from the vineyards, to the transformation and to the bottling, is always ready to rebuild the story of the product, of the raw materials and of the making-process. The picking of the grapes, extremely selected, happens manually and the carefulness in the accommodation in boxes guarantees the integrity of the raw material in the beginning of the winemaking. The maceration is at self-possessed temperature in silos of steel and the phase of maturing of the wines is in barriques for 12 months.

                                                        Grappolo di Primitivo in fase di invaiatura  Silos in acciaio a temperatura controllata

                                                        Bottaia  Pulitura delle femminelle

         Azienda Agricola Attanasio G. Tel./fax +39 0999737121